UK Home Secretary, James Cleverly, has introduced a series of new rules designed to control migration, including a significant increase in the minimum salary requirement for obtaining a skilled worker visa.

Currently set at £26,000, the new threshold will be raised to £38,700.

Cleverly informed the parliament on Monday that the enforcement of these rules could potentially lead to an annual decrease of 300,000 migrants.

Exceptions to the higher salary threshold will be made for those applying for health and social care visas.

However, overseas care workers will no longer be permitted to bring dependents, including their partners and children.

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The impact of this change is notable, particularly for UK citizens marrying non-UK citizens.

Under the new rules, spouses will be unable to join their UK partners in the country until they meet the elevated salary threshold of £38,700.

According to BBC reports, the net migration in the UK for 2022, representing the difference between individuals immigrating to the country and those emigrating, reached a total of 745,000.

Cleverly emphasized, “We will ensure people only bring dependents whom they can support financially, by raising the minimum income for family visas to the same threshold as the minimum salary for Skilled Workers, £38,700.”

These measures are part of the UK’s efforts to manage migration more effectively and address concerns related to population influx.

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