Renowned Hollywood star of the 1970s, Ryan O’Neal, known for iconic roles in films like Love Story and Paper Moon, has passed away at the age of 82.

His son, Patrick O’Neal, confirmed the news in a series of Instagram posts on Friday.

In the posts, Patrick shared that his father passed away surrounded by a loving support system.

He expressed his deep admiration for his father, describing him as a hero with a larger-than-life presence that shaped his childhood.

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Patrick also highlighted Ryan O’Neal’s illustrious career, noting that he rose to international stardom in the early 1970s with films such as Love Story, What’s Up, Doc?, Paper Moon, Barry Lyndon, A Bridge Too Far, The Main Event, and The Driver, solidifying his status as a Hollywood legend.

The news of Ryan O’Neal’s passing follows a history of two cancer diagnoses: chronic leukemia in 2001 and prostate cancer in 2012.

O’Neal initially gained recognition in the 1960s through various US television shows before achieving global fame in 1970 with Love Story, where he starred opposite Ali MacGraw, earning him Golden Globe and Oscar nominations.

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