Ambassador Yusuf Tuggar, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, has issued a cautionary message, urging against characterizing the unconstitutional change of government in West Africa as a regional issue alone.

Tuggar emphasized that the repercussions of the coup have the potential to extend beyond the region and escalate challenges related to terrorism and cross-border criminal activities across the entire African continent.

During the 10th Annual High-level Seminar on the Promotion of Peace and Security in Africa in Oran, Algeria, the minister expressed his concerns.

In a statement released by his media aide, Alkasim Abdulkadir, Tuggar argued that attributing the crisis solely to West Africa might oversimplify the complex factors contributing to the situation.

Related News: ECOWAS Raises Concerns Over Military Coups, Links Them to Regional Insecurity

He pointed out that West Africa cannot be held responsible for events such as the implosion of Libya leading to the proliferation of arms, the failure of the European Union’s Sahel strategy, or climate change in the Sahel.

Tuggar cautioned against adopting a stance that singles out West Africa for blame, as this approach may not effectively address the broader issues at play.

The minister stressed the importance of not hastily accommodating new military regimes in response to the crisis, stating that such a strategy would be detrimental to the entire African continent.

He highlighted the need to focus on fighting terrorism across Africa and not just in specific regions.

Tuggar advocated for revitalizing the African Union’s programs, emphasizing that these initiatives could bring development and infrastructure to the continent.

He warned against surrendering to military takeovers and underscored the significance of adhering to the principles of the African Union to effectively address the challenges posed by terrorist groups and criminal organizations in West Africa’s complex border areas.

You can also read: West African Leaders Convene to Address Rising Military Coups in the Region