Femi Aina, a UK-based immigration lawyer, has offered advice to Nigerians aspiring to relocate abroad for better opportunities, cautioning against selling all possessions before the move.

Aina emphasized that migration comes with challenges, and individuals should be mindful of potential difficulties they may encounter in their quest for a better life.

In an exclusive interview last weekend, the immigration lawyer urged prospective migrants to consider keeping some assets in Nigeria, as the envisioned benefits may not materialize for everyone.

Aina warned that not all migrants experience the promised prosperity, and some Nigerians find themselves in difficult situations abroad.

Aina’s advice centered on the need for careful consideration before embarking on the journey, emphasizing that migration is not always a smooth process.

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He encouraged individuals to weigh the potential challenges and uncertainties they might face in a new country, stressing that relocating families could encounter obstacles that take months or even years to overcome.

Highlighting the difficulties migrants may face initially, Aina shared examples of individuals who sold their businesses and properties in Nigeria, only to encounter unforeseen problems upon arrival in their destination country.

He cautioned against uprooting entire families without thorough consideration of the potential teething problems associated with settling in a new country.

Aina acknowledged that while migration can be a means to an end, individuals should not view it as a guaranteed solution to all their problems.

He stressed that financial tension, domestic challenges, and unexpected issues could arise in foreign countries, and individuals should be prepared for a range of difficulties.

The immigration lawyer urged Nigerians to reflect on the potential drawbacks of migration, emphasizing that a careful and thoughtful approach is crucial before deciding to relocate.

He cited cases of Nigerians facing various issues abroad, including financial stress, domestic violence, and an overall sense of misery despite the initial hopes for a better life.

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