A teenager, Lasisi Adewale, standing trial for drug abuse, on Friday begged an Area Court sitting at Centre-Igboro, Ilorin, to emancipate him from his parents.

Adewale did not reveal the reasons behind his desire to be separated from his parents.

However, he pleaded with the court to “separate him from his parents,” expressing doubts about whether they truly wanted the best for him.

“Even though my parents have been catering to my needs since infancy, I do not want anything to do with them again. I want to stay far away from them and be on my own without any disturbance,” he said.

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This request came as a shock to both his parents and the presiding judge, Hammad Ajumonbi.

Earlier, Judge Ajumonbi ordered that Adewale be remanded in a borstal home.

The judge noted the father’s efforts to provide the best for his child and deemed it worthy of recognition.

The court ruled that Adewale should be admitted into the institution for a period of two years.

During his stay, the judge ordered that he be guided and allowed to learn any skill of his choice.

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