A businessman in Abeokuta, the capital city of Ogun State, has attributed his downfall to adultery and drunkenness, addictions he finds hard to overcome.

The man, who asked Saving Point Media not to publish his name, expressed deep regret over failing his wife, children, and himself due to his irresponsible lifestyle.

During an interview with a Saving Point Media correspondent on Sunday after a church service, the man revealed he attends church in the hope that God will help him recover from the injuries caused by his adultery and drunkenness.

The man, a trailer driver, explained that his wife and two daughters live in Ilorin while he stays in Abeokuta, where he prospered in the trailer business.

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His wife refused to move to Abeokuta because she works as a civil servant in Ilorin, a hard-to-get opportunity she didn’t want to lose.

The couple agreed to live separately, with the man promising to visit often. However, he admitted that he soon found other women to satisfy his urges, resulting in five children from two of these women.

Reflecting on his actions, the man confessed to having slept with countless women, spending money to impress them and giving them “thanks for coming” money afterward.

He also mentioned that he drinks at least six bottles of beer daily, accompanied by hot fish pepper soup, often buying for friends as well.

The lucrative trailer business provided him with the means to fund this lifestyle.

His financial irresponsibility left him unable to send money to his wife in Ilorin, as he spent his earnings on his indulgences and the women around him.

His realization of failure came when one of his motor boys, who started working with him only a few years ago, invited him to bless a newly built three-bedroom house and a mini Micra car he bought for a driver to use in a transport business.

The man was shocked to see the beautiful house and the new Micra. He also discovered that his motor boy’s three children attended one of the best private schools in Obantoko, Abeokuta.

In contrast, his own children in Ilorin were attending public school. This revelation brought him to tears, prompting him to call his wife for the first time to inquire about their children’s schooling.

Adding to his sorrow, his wife informed him that their 13-year-old daughter was pregnant by a classmate, and they needed his intervention.

The man then calculated the money he had spent on beer and adultery, realizing it amounted to millions of naira annually.

He acknowledged his failure to his wife, his daughters, and his generation, seeking God’s forgiveness and vowing to make things right by moving back to Ilorin to be with his family.

When asked about his five children in Abeokuta, he initially dismissed them, citing doubts about their paternity.

However, after persuasion, he agreed to take responsibility for them but emphasized his desire to return to his first family.

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