Daniel Anthony, Chief Executive Officer of Eye Health Television, has advised men to prioritize their health as much as they cherish their family’s well-being.

Anthony, founder of Nigeria’s first health-focused television station and a member of Vision Advocates United Kingdom, observed that men often avoid seeking medical attention, citing reasons such as being too busy, believing ailments will self-heal, or feeling weak for speaking up.

Anthony pointed out that studies show women are 100% more likely than men to visit the doctor for annual exams and preventive services.

He emphasized that men suffering from conditions like blindness, glaucoma, or cataracts are unable to fulfill their responsibilities fully, which can place additional burdens on their wives and negatively impact their children’s upbringing.

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The stigma surrounding men’s health can lead to serious consequences, including higher prevalence rates of eye blindness, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, heart disease, and mental health issues among men.

Additionally, lifestyle factors such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet, and lack of physical activity increase men’s health risks.

In his Father’s Day message, Anthony stressed the importance of recognizing these challenges and addressing them promptly through annual exams, screenings, and healthier lifestyle choices.

He urged men with eye diseases like cataracts and glaucoma to visit doctors and not fear surgery, which is often the most effective solution.

Anthony advocated for establishing partnerships with trusted medical professionals to facilitate open communication and regular health check-ups.

This approach can help identify potential health issues early, leading to more effective treatment options and improved outcomes.

He highlighted that many health conditions, such as eye defects, cataracts, glaucoma, prostate cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health disorders, can be better managed or even prevented when addressed early.

Speaking on Vision Advocates United Kingdom, he mentioned that the group is dedicated to improving eye health in Nigeria and has organized hundreds of free surgeries for Nigerians suffering from cataracts and other eye diseases.

To encourage healthier lifestyles, Anthony recommended regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, not fearing eye surgery, and managing stress levels.

These habits can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve overall well-being.

Anthony also highlighted that men’s health extends beyond physical well-being to include mental health.

Societal expectations may discourage men from expressing their emotions or seeking help for mental health issues.

Addressing these concerns can improve overall quality of life, enhance relationships, and provide necessary support for fulfilling lives.

He advised women to support and care for their husbands, noting that when men’s health deteriorates, the burden often falls on women.

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