Shehu Sani, the former senator representing Kaduna Central, has expressed concerns about the limited development in the country, attributing it to the selfish interests of politicians serving in the Senate.

He emphasized the need for the devolution of power and the reform of the electoral system as crucial steps in the constitutional amendment process.

Speaking in an interview in Lagos on Sunday, Sani lamented that the pursuit of political interests has consistently hindered efforts to amend the constitution effectively.

He pointed out that during the constitution amendment process, critical developmental issues often take a back seat due to the prioritization of the interests of political leaders.

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Sani stated, “Since 1999, the National Assembly has been inaugurating committees to amend the constitution of Nigeria, but the problem has been that the issues that are supposed to be amended are not addressed because of interests.”

He highlighted electoral reform as a significant example, noting that no president in Nigeria is willing to enact reforms that might jeopardize their hold on power.

Sani urged political officeholders to focus on implementing reforms and long-term visions that would benefit the nation beyond their own tenures, reminding them that power is transient.

He emphasized the importance of considering the consequences of current actions on future legacies, urging leaders to prioritize the greater good over short-term gains.

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