Italy’s football players association, the Italian Football Players’ Association (AIC), expressed satisfaction on Friday regarding the government’s decision not to extend a tax relief measure benefiting foreign players on Italian teams.

The previous measure allowed only half of the gross income of foreign players (similar to various university-educated specialized workers) to be taxable for their first five years working in Italy.

Umberto Calcagno, the president of AIC, stated that the decision ensures that both Italian and foreign footballers will now compete on the same level.

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He appreciated the government for ending the previous benefit, which he believed had penalized the entire national football movement.

The Sports Minister, Andrea Abodi, had advocated for extending the tax break for footballers.

However, opposition from several members of the government, including Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, leader of the anti-migrant League party, led to the decision not to extend the relief.

Matteo Salvini was quoted as saying that discounts to foreign footballers earning millions are immoral, and there is a focus on investing in young Italians.

Italy’s Serie A league expressed concern over the measure, arguing that it would result in less competitiveness for teams, leading to reduced income, fewer resources for young players, and lower revenue for tax authorities.

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