The US House of Representatives voted along strict party lines (221 to 212) to formalize an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

The move by Republicans, who accuse Biden’s son Hunter of influence-peddling, escalates the battle between Republicans and Democrats ahead of the 2024 election.

However, Republicans have yet to provide evidence of corruption by the president, and even if the inquiry led to an impeachment trial, the Democratic-led Senate would be unlikely to convict him.

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President Biden responded, calling the move a “baseless political stunt” and accusing Republicans of focusing on attacking him with lies instead of addressing urgent matters.

Republicans argue that the inquiry has merit and will help enforce lawful congressional subpoenas.

The vote guarantees Republicans a high-profile platform to attack Biden as he campaigns for reelection and distracts from the federal criminal trials facing his likely challenger, Donald Trump.

The allegations against Hunter Biden relate to incidents that occurred before his father became president, and the White House has emphasized that there has been no wrongdoing.

Impeachment by the House would lead to a trial by the Senate, where the president could be removed from office if convicted.

However, with Democratic control of the Senate, this outcome is considered unlikely for President Biden.

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