Subair Enitan, a student at Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), who embarked on a handwashing marathon in a bid to set a new Guinness World Record, has been hospitalized after successfully completing the marathon.

The marathon, which concluded in the early hours of Monday, exceeded Enitan’s initial plan of 50 hours, as she persevered for an impressive 58 hours.

However, the strenuous feat took a toll on her health, prompting the need for medical attention.

A video circulating on social media depicts Enitan lying on a hospital bed in what appears to be a medical ward.

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Her hands, visibly affected by the extended period of handwashing, are shown to be white and wrinkled.

While the Guinness World Record is yet to officially announce Enitan as a new record breaker, her determination and endurance have garnered attention and support from the public.

The handwashing marathon aimed not only to achieve a world record but also to promote the importance of hand hygiene, especially in the context of the ongoing global health challenges.

Enitan’s commitment to the cause has sparked discussions about the physical and mental challenges associated with attempting such endurance records.

The incident has ignited conversations about the need for proper medical supervision and self-care during record-breaking attempts.

As the news circulates, well-wishers and supporters are expressing their concern for Enitan’s well-being, emphasizing the importance of health and safety in pursuing ambitious challenges.

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