Actress Bimbo Ademoye has shared that the constant demand for content creation places a significant amount of pressure on her.

Despite her popularity for web series like ‘Sibe’ and ‘Iya Barakat Teropi Secxxion,’ Ademoye highlighted that fans often overlook the financial and time investments required for producing quality content.

In an interview, she expressed, “It (releasing content regularly) puts me under a lot of pressure. One can shoot two films worth millions of naira, and after uploading the film, fans would be asking for more after just one hour; not knowing that one pumped in millions of naira into it. I spent millions to shoot eight episodes of ‘Sibe,’ and after it finished showing, people were asking for more episodes. I had to tell them to relax and let me recoup my money first.”

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Ademoye also shared that 2023 has been a “really beautiful year” for her.

She emphasized that managing both acting and brand influencing comes naturally to her, stating, “I just go with the flow. I have been blessed to know what trend to follow. Influencing is a money-making machine, and it is fun. I get paid to do what I love, so it has been quite easy for me to handle both.”

Additionally, she highlighted the importance of constant evolution for content creators, acknowledging that audiences tend to get bored with the same type of content, necessitating adaptation and innovation.

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